The questions we will answer in this blog entry are: What is the ‘active’ tab or window and why do I care? Read more »
The questions we will answer in this blog entry are: What is the ‘active’ tab or window and why do I care? Read more »
In the previous blog post we described the use of horizontal and vertical groups of documents. At the end of that post we promised a discussion of floating windows.
So the topic of this post is: What are floating windows and how do I use them? Read more »
We are starting to receive questions about various features of the Carmelite Digital Library (CDL). The questions are taking on the form “What is X?” while others are “How do I do Y?”. Most of these topics are covered in the Help files that ship with the product. But as the Help files were written to explain or document every feature and option, the material is sometimes very dense. To help our users we plan to answer the questions we receive using this blog. We hope that by providing smaller and more targeted information everyone can benefit from the answers to the questions.
So here is the first question: What are those I, P, and S icons that I see on the right side at the top and bottom of a document?